
Two years ago, I found myself in a great deal of trouble. What I thought was a misdemeanor offense had escalated to three felony counts one being a “strike offense”, I sat in shock as the judge read the charges and I asked for the public defender because I did not have money for private defense. The public defender explained the seriousness of the charges and the possibility of a lesser sentence, if I would agree to a plea, which would have been agreeing to a prison term; so I made the decision to seek a private defense attorney. The court allowed me only two week to do so. How do you find the right attorney to handle your case. If you are reading this, then you are looking online and that was a start for me; I looked for are referrals from friends and family as well, but the stress that I was experiencing was making me a wreck. Sitting in the court parking lot and going through the yellow pages, I recognized the name of a defense attorney I actually had worked for years before on a unrelated matter. I DIALED The number only to find that the call went to a message stating that she had retired from practicing law, I left my number for a return call, to my surprise she returned my cal,l but a minute later, after a brief reunion, I explained my situation, and asked if there was someone she could recommend, she inquired about what court I was in, I told her Truckee, without hesitation, she replied William Routsis. She said she actually had watched him work a case there and was well liked and worked well. I thanked her and asked if there was any one else she’d recommend. If William was not available, to which she replied “no” that I needed William! I hung up and called the law office of William Routsis and made a appointment that same day. It was hard to relate my story, still stressed and in shock. He was very patient and attentive and after about an hour he concluded that he would take the case. I can’t describe the wave of relief that escaped me. That was the first time William Routsis lifted weight off of my shoulder but it wasn’t the last time. Fighting the case took about a year for me the stress never went away but became way more manageable. But for William he never took his eye of the bail. He showed that court a lot of respect and in turn that court had a lot of respect for him. Even when it got heated there was always a level of respect that he maintained. William Routsis is a legal athlete. He is not intimidated to go to trial and uses that confidence to set the tone of his defense. He is a fighter, no actually he’s more a boxer and he likes to win, he prepares himself to win.
Tim Ryan
From Manowar Khan:
Mr. William Routsis,
The best lawyer in the world. What would I do without you. I would maybe be stuck without you. I think God sent you down on earth for me.
I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me. My family is very thankful to you for what you have done for me. I go to church every single Friday and I always remember to pray for you. I am a Muslim and I pray about 2 to 3 times a day and I remember to pray for you. You kept me out of jail and with my family and for that I'm forever grateful to you. I only made one big mistake in my life and now I have to pay the price but I'm not upset because my family is on my side.
I will make sure never to forget what you did for me and I will never forget about you, I promise. Please keep in touch and please call me if you need anything. I will always be there. Keep in touch.
Thank you. Yours, truly, Manowar Khan
I am writing a testimonial about William J Routsis attorney at law. In 2206 I found myself arrested in Susanville, California. It was the first time I was ever arrested everyone told me it wouldn’t be a big deal. I would get off as a first time offender, after almost a year going through every public defender in Lassen county, I was made an offer of one year in Chowchilla womens prison with a felony and 5 years of felony probation I couldn’t believe it; prison? At that time I began a lawyer search, everyone wanted ten’s of thousand’s of dollars because of the long drive to Susanville. I then found William Routsis in the local paper, the Tahoe Tribune, regarding a case he defended successfully and prevailed at trial, the article discussed a manslaughter acquittal by Mr. Routsis concerning a crime on Gardner mountain. I set an appointment to meet William. He took my case and only he charged me 5k for the whole thing. He fought this for a year !! Driving to Susanville sometimes twice a month for a year ! Never charged me extra money, I didn’t go to Chowchilla, State Prison. I didn’t get 5 years of felony probation. During this time he started handling a high profile case. He was on dateline, and in the media. Most lawyers would of put my case on the back burner. It was inconvenient and he wasn’t making a lot of money. He had every thing in the world occurring in his legal career to make him want to rush my case. But didn’t. He spent the time. He fought like hell and kept me out of prison. Why? Because when William Routsis believes in a cause, A person, and a unjust act has taken place, its not about money for him, its about fighting for those that cant and don't know how; William Routsis saved my life. If I never met William I wouldn’t have a career, I wouldn’t have the life I have today. I painted a picture for him to show my gratitude; its a beach scene in a lightening storm with the word “relax” written in the sand. In the back I enscribed, “William you find the calm in people’s personal storms”. And he truly does that. He looks for the truth in the details and doesn’t stop till justice is found. Again William J Routsis is the man Who saved me and I am forever grateful.
To whom it may concern:
My name is Alexander wager. William Routsis was my defense attorney during an incident in which I was accused of a felony. My parents hired William Routsis who saw innocence in my case. Without him I would still be in jail. He had taken care of my case with such haste he has seen fit to reimburse my parents with a portion of what they paid. I am very grateful to William and am now a personal banker with Wells Fargo and have a future that would have been taken from me without his help.
With thanks, Alexander Leon Wager
I have used just about every attorney in the northern Nevada area fighting for justice for my son starting when he was a minor. Not one of them ever truly fought for him the way Mr. Routsis did. He is one hundred percent behind his clients, knows the laws and how to get the best outcome for the client! He is a straight shooter and will not pull any punches when dealing with the courts. He is there to fight for the client not placate the judges, DA's or the cops. If you need legal help, this is the only person I would call.
Cathe Miden
Mr. Routsis was great I used him on more than one occasion. With Mr. Routsis I always felt that he thoroughly researched my case, so that he could explain my circumstances and get the best possible deal for me.
He was also very affordable, thank you Mr. Routsis for being there for me when I needed you.
Eldon Farmer
Hank Sargent
As a parent to a teenager who ran into some legal issues, I am grateful to have been recommended to Mr. Routsis. A close friend and member of the bar in CA strongly encouraged me to use his services. I was cross country and searching for a proactive, aggressive, and professionally competent attorney. As a family, we needed someone to fight our battle. Mr. Routsis stepped up and defended my son with vigor. I am forever grateful of his services.
We've all been wrongfully accused, sometimes to the extent that we need to hire an attorney. If you need a defense attorney whose knowledge, insight and communication allows the truth to be revealed in order to set you free, see William. William's professionalism and insight will allow you to proceed through the case process confidently.
To: Mr. William J. Routsis II
I have known you for 15 years; you are awesome Friend, Lawyer, and Professional business man. You have been there for me and my family through the good and bad. My family and I would like to thank you for being a wonderful Lawyer and Great friend since day one to us. I thank you for being there because I think there’s no one on earth that will do any kind of work the way you always accomplish. I have made mistakes in my life that I only could trust you as a friend and lawyer and been there to respond to me and helped me through any situation. I think you are the best lawyer I have ever known in my life, I would recommend you to anyone, I speak highly of you to anyone. When I am in church you are always in my prayers on Mon., Fri., and Sun. I thank God for putting you in my path because I can always count on you in my personal life and business.
Sincerely, Jaime Martinez DBA Oso N. Landscaping & Maintenance
Hi, my name is Jorge Romero and in 2002 I was charged with murder in the 1st°, and attempted murder, in Reno Nevada. At first, the Death Penalty was on the table. But, because the State did not have enough evidence they couldn't pursue the Death Penalty. Because of the stressful situation hoping that it will help out my family and I decided to hire two local attorneys which promise me that everything was going to be okay and made me feel good about going to trial. In 2003, I went to trial and was convicted on both charges. For the magnitude of my case my trial only lasted one week and doing deliberation the jury found me guilty in a matter of a few hours.
During sentencing I was giving two Life's +40 years and sent to Ely Max prison. Because of my bad experience with attorneys I was very careful on who to hire to continue in representing me on my defense. My family and I decided to get a hold of William Routsis because we had heard that he was a fighter in criminal cases. Routsis recommended a good Appeal Attorney named Richard Cornell, which in 2009 I got my conviction overturned and I was granted a new trial.
Most of the founding's on my Appeal were because of ineffective assistance of counsel. These two attorneys that I hired at first failed to do their job. "The reality of the world is that there is a lot of attorneys that will tell you what you want to hear to try to gain your business and once you pay them off they forget all about you".
In 2011, we decided to go with William Routsis. Routsis investigation and preparation was outstanding! For example, for the investigation Routsis hired a good lady called Gina Crown which she turned out to be real good. We had to track down people from out-of-state. Some people where hiding out, and some didn't want to help out at all. Either, because of money or they just didn't want to get involved. The struggle was real. If we need it to buy somebody a ticket to get to Reno, we did, and if we need it to convince somebody to help out because helping out is the right thing to do, in this case, we did. The effort was good witnesses wanted to show up now to testify in my behalf. Routsis preparation was admired he took around one or two months getting ready sometimes he even didn't get any sleep. These are one of the reasons why I respect the man because he cared about my case and took it personal! Routsis was ready up and about for this 2nd trial. From the beginning Routsis battle the prosecutors and did not let the State get away with a wrongful conviction. The foul play from the State was so obvious and the sad part was that the judge would let them get away with it. Their witnesses, which the majority were officers of the law continue to commit perjury after perjury. Not caring about justice or the Oath they took "to swear to tell the truth", was careless. All they wanted is to help the State beat this trial. Unfortunately, the trial that lasted almost a month turn out to be a mistrial and was tried again. The good news was that all the perjury that the State witnesses committed from the first to the second trial cumulative and was very useful for us on the third trial.
In 2013, the investigation and preparation that William did for this third trial was different. He took it to a different level. He hired well respected experts that would testify from forensic evidence to the law of physics. The 3rd trial that lasted five weeks, Routsis was extraordinary on his representation. He represented me with passion, battling the prosecutors and even the Judge. The evidence was speechless in my behalf. Even the judge started turn around and seeing the foul play from the State. William Routsis had done his job the way an attorney supposed to. Unfortunately, the trial turn out to be a hung jury but happy to say I almost got an acquittal.
Because of these battles and the pressure that William Routsis cause the outcome after 11 years being incarcerated, was Freedom! This is why I strongly recommend William Routsis for the, simple fact, that he's aggressive, cares about your case, and seeks justice. I believe that I'm one of the lucky once to be free after facing life in prison.
From my point of view there is a lot of corruption and foul play in the Justice System, especially, when somebody is being prosecuted. My advice for anybody that finds himself in my shoes is that you go to an attorney that is going to care, willing to fight for you, and not hesitate to battle a prosecutor or a judge. Even if your not completely innocent it does not mean that you don't have the right to have an attorney seek for the right charges or a good deal.
I hope that nobody ever has to experience what I had to because at the end the people that suffer the most will be you and your Family.
I strongly recommend William Routsis, as a great attorney!
Jorge Romero Reno, Nevada
A few weeks after my 21st birthday I was arrested on possession and DUI drug charges in the state of Nevada. this was my first arrest and I was facing felony charges. this was my first time being arrested and I was scared and didn't know what to do or who to talk to for legal counsel since I was new in town from New York. I spoke with a friend and he recommended that I get a free consultation with William J. Routsis. After the consultation, I knew that he was the one I wanted defending me. His professionalism and knowledge of the law made me feel comfortable in the courtroom. His personality and Buddhist principles made me feel like I was talking to a friend doing me an amazing favor; even while in the courtroom he knew how to make me feel comfortable and relaxed. like a boxer in the ring, he fought and never gave up on me until I was happy with the case. he made me feel so comfortable that 8 months later, after being falsely charged and arrested, I re-appointed him and he did the exact same thing! he fought for me until the end like a good friend would. Hiring William Routsis was worth every penny! If you need an A+ quality attorney, he's your man! –
Joseph K. Florida State
Maira Romero
William Routsis is an amazing lawyer. He has been so great to me and my family these last few years, I could not thank him enough. He has changed my life as much as he has changed my families. Dedication and passion is his job. It’s hard to find an honest and hard working lawyer like him that actually loves his job. Thank you again William Routsis for all your help.
If you are searching for a GREAT and sincere attorney then take a minute and call Attorney William J. Routsis, I was introduced to this great criminal attorney through my wife who had been summoned to appear in a court trial as a witness for Mr. Routsis's law firm, and as we all know we have someone in our family who has needed or will need an attorney in the future, and as your searching I know all that is running through your mind "Is this the right attorney for me" I know you are also wondering how much will this set you back as far as hiring one but remember your freedom has no boundaries, so if I had to do it all over again I would hire Mr Routsis in a heartbeat. I moved to Nevada from California about Five years ago and I had my run in's with the law and due to this I have had my record stained which in a court of law means your a dirt bag. I had a disorderly conduct case that arose due to me expressing my freedom of speech to an officer which landed me in a Nevada jail and with a court case, I scrambled and called Mr. Routsis and he made all my worries go away, he made me feel as if I had a worrier on my side that could not be pushed around, he maintains a professional conversation and has a great and kind staff to handle all your legal needs as well as a tranquil and peaceful work office which is like no other I have ever seen, no comparison to your average high rise uncomfortable law office, and when your in worry you call this attorney and he will get in contact with you and return your calls. He had my case for disorderly conduct vanish and was able to give me back my piece of mind, I Hold a special place In my heart for this great man, Attorney, William J. Routsis. I would like to take this time to thank you and truly hope many blessings come to you for the services you have provided me and for the many lives you touch in there time of need.
Thank you, Mark F. Soto Fernley, Nevada
I absolutely recommend attorney William J Routsis II. William has a very comfortable office setting to discuss your case. His professionalism was outstanding. He had a plan to reduce the charges brought against me. The plan worked well. The most of the charges were dropped. I pled guilty to a minor charge without penalty or record. William was the most cost effective lawyer that I had made contact with during my airport debacle.
I did not have a chance to tell William, thank you for all of the help! So I’m doing now. (11/22/2013)
Nate Lyles
Robert M Dean
Client review for William J Routsis
Written by: Robert M Dean
To the best Lawyer in Nevada and California I just wanted to thank you for what you have done for me I go to church Wednesday and Sundays. I always pray for you. You kept me out of jail and together with my family I’m forever grateful to you. I made one big mistake in my live and now I have to pay the price but I'm not upset because my family is on my side. I had four charges three were dropped one of them stuck. I received twelve months schooling Jail time' no fines. Your price than compatible it’s unbeatable! I will never forget what you have done for me. Or forget about you. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart William and Elizabeth and Bam Sincerely Robert M Dean
5 / 5 stars
A dozen years ago. Tahoe D.A, Peter O’Hare charged me with crime that I had never even thought of. The facts, such as me being 500 miles south and had just purchased two thousands pounds of fruits, cell phone records, metal receipt and people I had sold the fruit to didn’t slow him down or even matter. In the first front page article along with my photograph it stated,”The three strikes law apply ” I thought this very odd seeing that I had never been charged with a felony prior to that. I realized that O’hare didn’t care about the truth and would proceed until he was told to dismiss charges by a judge, which took seven months a two week trial. Originally the court appointed an attorney to represent me. I choose to retain the best,most experienced defense attorney in Reno: Mr. William Routsis. Once his investigator checked out my story, Routsis stated,”The truth will set you free!”. Mr,Routsis took a couple days to pick a jury and the trial started. Filing motions quoting law and out classing the D.A., I know he was a champion. D.A.O’hare choose not to put the cop or investigator on the stand so in my defense Routsis put them both in the testimony box, which broke the case when they said they both had been,”Collecting lies and had begun to lie themself” both Taheo D,A, O’hare and lead investigator were nervous and looked like a guilty criminal facing a federal indictment. The state look a public beating and a reprimand from the judge for bringing the case to trial. Eighteen months went by and the alleged victim apologized for filing a false police report and all the lies. William Routsis didn’t just save me a decade in prison, He saved my life.
I’m Salvador and I was charged with Robbery with a Deadly Weapon. It all started because I was involved with drugs. I grew up in Reno, Nevada and I’m 29 years old. I had never been charged with such a serious crime before in my life. Now, I was facing a charge that could carry a sentence of 15 to 30 years if convicted.
I was out there in the streets running around being careless, but never would have thought I would ever be in such a serious situation. When I got arrested, I was told the charges I was facing. I felt like my life was over. I’m a man that has a wife, two daughters and a baby boy; I had a lot to lose. My time in jail was very was very stressful. I got a hold of my family to ask for help because I was assigned a public defender, and as everybody knows, public defenders here in Nevada are no good. It seems like to them you are just another criminal, so they don’t get personal with you. I needed to get a good attorney so I talked to my older brother who had just beaten a murder charge, had been in the system, and knows how it works for so many years. He got a hold of his lawyer, William Routsis, who defended him. William Routsis instantly started working on my case.
During the beginning days after William Routsis took over, he informed me that the State was looking to offer me a deal but it still involved the Robbery charge. I knew I had to turn it down because that was not the case. I couldn’t go down for something I didn’t do or take a deal with a charge I knew wasn’t true. It was very stressful in jail and I needed guidance from my family as well as my lawyer because I had too much at stake. My family decided to bail me out so that I can be with my kids and wife and have a clearer mind. I met with William Routsis at his office and right away started talking about my case. His office has a very warm and inviting feeling to it that it helps you relax and focus. The first thing he clearly told me before we began was that if I wanted him to defend me, I had to be completely honest with him about what happened in my case. I could tell he was a very straight forward person who has morals and values and needs me to show him the same dignity. He needed me to be real with him and I liked that because that’s what I needed. I wanted him to hear the truth and defend me against this charge that I was facing.
He got to meet my wife and son one day and that made me feel good because I needed him to see that they needed me and that I couldn’t risk losing them. Although I wasn’t completely innocent in this case, I knew for a fact the circumstances that were stated against me were completely false. William Routsis agreed that he needed to fight for a better deal for me. He and his office staff made several calls to the DA to argue my case and what charges he felt applied to me. After all this was my life and I felt 100% that I could trust him with that. Since I trusted his decisions towards my case, he got me a way better deal that carries probation and the possibility of taking a court ordered drug program to continue in helping me with my sobriety. All the other charges were dropped and now I was looking at the lowest felony charge. I’m very grateful for what William Routsis has done for me and my family. He took a lot of weight off my shoulders and never gave up on me. Now I can enjoy my time with my family and kids, use this as a learning experience and become a better man.
Dear William, I would like to take the time to say how grateful I am for you to have represented me in court, you are an extremely professional lawyer with a very kind heart who really cares about his clients and their future. I appreciate everything you have done to working things out with my financial situations, for the good guidance you’ve giving me, for making my family feel protected and see light at the end of the tunnel. Mr. Routsis is out to do justice for his clients his representation has no price Words could never explain how much I really do appreciate your help.
Thank you, Sergio Sarabia Sun Valley, Nevada
I was a witness for Attorney William J. Routsis and had to deal with him and many of his staff members who were all kind and professional. I was living in California when i was contacted I would not travel without my family due to me being a homemaker, Mr Routsis made sure that all things were taken care of and made all accommodations for me and my kids to get to his location in Reno Nevada. I was explained thing and walked thru the process of courtroom trials which settled me and allowed me to be the best witness for him and his firm. He was a kind man and always treated me with respect and courteousness.
Yours Truly Tanya Fernley, Nevada
To whom this may concern,
I was recently one of William Routsis’s clients. It was my first time ever getting in trouble with the law. I was really upset because in all honesty I didn’t do anything but help break off a confrontation. William so kindly agreed to help me in such short notice and believed my innocence. I thought it would be a little difficult living in California and everything going on in Nevada; but with his help and the communication of his lovely assistant Elizabeth they helped me know what was going to happen and had me prepared with paper work, etc. Working as many hours I do they worked around everything to make this experience painless and saved me so much stress. With the professional skills and help of Mr. Routsis all charges were dismissed. I would definitely refer my lawyer William Routsis to anyone! Thank you so much again Mr. Routsis and Elizabeth!
Vanessa Chico California
Words cannot express the gratitude I have for William Routsis. He was the only attorney who took the time to listen to my husbands case. He really understood the nuances of what was happening. He worked diligently for almost a year making sure all the evidence proving my husbands innocence was collected and reviewed.
My husbands accusers were great actors and had turned the police, the court system, a group of neighbors and the press against us. They tried to destroy our lives, force us from our home, and run us out of the state.
William believed us when no one else did. He fought for my husband in a long court battle and won! He was honest in court, unlike the prosecutor and the accusers. He presented the case with integrity, using the truth and fierce determination to prove to the jury what was actually going on. The jury saw this and found my husband Not Guilty on all charges. No other attorney could have done what William did.
Marilyn Spencer